Marketplace - Bandwidth

Marketplace - Bandwidth

Numbers providers like Bandwidth allow you to order and port-in numbers for your customers. This great app integration will help you managing numbers inside a customer project and give the ability to sync orders from QuotingBill to Bandwidth or vicer versa. Let's look at how we can use Bandwidth to improve the overall QuotingBill experience for your business!


You can find Bandwidth right here in the marketplace. Just like any other application click to install and then head to preferences to set up your Bandwidth account with QuotingBill!


Within the Bandwidth application window you'll find in the submenu "Settings" that you need to give QuotingBill your Bandwidth credentials. To get these credentials please contact a representative from Bandwidth if you're unsure on how to retrieve them. After that, hitting save should let you know if everything was correctly configured!

Creating the Bandwidth project

Remember that you can either run a project from an existing quote or create a new one through the projects tab. In both ways, you should be able to select Bandwidth as recipe as shown below.

Ordering Numbers through a project

As you can see, you can either order or port-in numbers. Let's start ordering new numbers for our customer. You can update the task name for better identification.
In order to search for numbers you should use at least 3 filters (Quantity, area code and state). Once you select the number(s) you should click on 'Order' to get them directly from Bandwidth inventory. 

After the numbers were successfully ordered you should see them listed in the Ordered Phone Numbers section.

Porting-in Numbers through a project

Let's go to the scenario where you need to port-in numbers for your customer. Make sure you download the template to fill the csv. 

Once you upload the file, you will need to validate the numbers to be able to order them. Double check the company basic information and finally upload the LOA signed document (optional) to order the phone numbers.

After the numbers were successfully ordered you should see them listed in the Ported Phone Numbers section.

Once the numbers are completed they should be available under the client for future projects configurations (netsapiens, brightlink, etc).

If you want to be up to date with what the QuotingBill community is suggesting for our product, or even suggesting something yourself that you don't see here, please visit our roadmap page here

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