How to provision to your preferred switch provider

How to provision to your preferred switch provider

So... you just installed a switch Marketplace App (like Netsapiens, or Brightlink Cloud PBX)!
Now what? Where do I go? How do I push stuff into the switch? Well, we'll cover all of that in this article!

Once you have installed and configured your "switch" Marketplace app, meaning the "save and test" button has been hit and a green message appeared below confirming everything is alright. You'll need to create a Project with the correct "recipe" in order to provision to the switch.

Reference on how to configure a switch Marketplace apps:

A "recipe" is a group of tasks listed together in order to accomplish a specific function. For example, there are recipes for Netsapiens, Brightlink Cloud PBX, 888voip, Bandwidth, etc. When creating a new project, you'll be asked which recipes you'd like to throw into the mix:

A recipe will be created based on how many check-boxes are checked:

If you follow each recipe task, you'll end up having a domain / account in your switch:
  1. Domain: Here you'll define all the attributes around the domain / account creation. These are very sensitive, please make sure you understand all of the attributes here. Please consult your switch administrator if you have a question. WARNING: remember there are many attributes that cannot be changed after the domain is created. So please triple check on this task before continuing.
  2. Users: This is where all attributes of a user are configured (extension number, username, passwords, email, etc). You'll have the option to do one by one, or uploading a CSV with the required info. Also, you can create a Project from a quote or invoice, so the same number of Products are the ones to be provisioned. WARNING: remember there are many attributes that cannot be changed after users are created. So please triple check on this task before continuing.
  3. Devices: Here is where all hardware (IP phones) are configured to be sent to the switch. This task is prepared to input all device info manually or through a CSV. If you have a Hardware provider Marketplace app installed (like 888voip, or Teledynamics) you can export device info from their own Project Recipes, and import it here. WARNING: remember there are many attributes that cannot be changed after devices are created. So please triple check on this task before continuing.
  4. Numbers: In this task, this is where all numbers (DIDs) are configured to be sent into the switch. Like in other tasks such as devices, you'll have the option to input them manually or through a CSV. If you have a Number provider Marketplace app installed (like Brightlink CPaaS, or Bandwith) you can export numbers info from their own Project Recipes, and import it here. WARNING: remember there are many attributes that cannot be changed after numbers are created. So please triple check this task before continuing.
  5. Execute: This is actually when you send everything to the switch, you'll be able to double check all the info provided on previous steps before sending them. Once you finish this task, please go to your switch and confirm if everything is as you configured it during the recipe.

If you want to be up to date with what the QuotingBill community is suggesting for our product, or even suggesting something yourself that you don't see here, please visit our roadmap page here

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