When creating new projects you will now have a new recipe, provided by your new plugin. This recipe comes complete with assignable tasks for setting up a customer on the switch.
- Domain: Select an existing domain (or create a new one) for your customer. The rest of the tasks will work over this domain. This information is very sensitive, please make sure you understand all of the attributes here and contact your switch administrator if you have any question.
- Users: This is where all user attributes are configured (extension number, username, passwords, email, etc). You'll have the option to do it one by one, autogenerating extensions by range, or upload a CSV file with the required info. Additionally, you can create a project from a quote or invoice, so the same number of products are the ones to be provisioned.
- Devices: Here is where all hardware (IP phones) are configured to be sent to the switch. This task is prepared to input all device info manually or through a CSV file. If you have a hardware provider app installed in the Marketplace (like 888voip, or Teledynamics) you can export the device info from their own Project Recipes, and import it here.
- Phone Numbers: This is where all numbers (DIDs) are configured to be sent into the switch. Like in other tasks such as devices, you'll have the option to input them manually or through a CSV file. If you have a Number provider app installed in the Marketplace (like Brightlink CPaaS, or Bandwith) you can export numbers info from their own Project Recipes, and import it here.
- Execute: This step will show you a summary of what you will be sending to Brightlink and will report the final result as a success or an error message of what items may be missing. Once you complete this task, please go to your switch and confirm everything is set as you configured it during the recipe.
WARNING: remember there are many attributes that cannot be changed after the domain, users, devices and numbers are created. So please triple check on every single task before continuing.